Monday, May 28, 2012

The European Union is Doomed

The Euro is cheap in response to the inevitable exit of Greece and other poorly-run European governments. Perhaps some Americans will be able to afford a Parisian vacation this year. On the continent itself, people are on the move too. Engineers and other highly-trained workers are leaving southern Europe countries, the high unemployment areas of Spain, Portugal, and Italy, for Germany.

The Germans are getting skilled workers for their industries and, because of the collapse of the Euro, lower prices for exporting. How long, however, will Germans be willing to foot the bill for the above countries lack of fiscal discipline and insolvency? Are European countries, even Germany and some Nordic countries, likely to increase their tax base in the next year or two as manufacturing slows? What will happen when populous and central player of the European unity movement, France, joins the deadbeats?

The European Union is doomed. As Chris Mayer has written in Capital and Crisis, look forward to the garage sale, European assets at fire sale prices. See articles by Chris Mayer and Bill Bonner to capitalize on the opportunities.


  1. Mike,

    This is my third try to get something out to you on your site. For a dinosaurus like meself...well, you know, it ain't easy.

    Question: why aren't we taking some of the stuff that works in Europe and applying it here in the States? Suggestion: free healthcare insurance for all US citizens NOW! I get the need to tighten some belts but jeez, the insurance companies in this country are fat cats that should scat. Ciao Dude

    1. Ours is not the greatest system, but overly generous health care budgets don't help the European's fiscal health either.


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